Year Two

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Welcome to Bumblebees, our Year 2  class!

A quick hello from the adults who help with our learning.

Our teacher is called Berna.

Our Learning Support Assistants who help us are Janet and Sonja.

In Bumblebee class, we want to be resourceful, independent learners who are engaged and excited about what we do. Much of our learning is done through discovery and we love exploring our own interests.

Being in Year 2 now, we also have 3 challenges a week, which we do independently during discovery time. Two of these challenges will have a science/geography/history/art focus and the other will be a fun phonics challenge this term. We have all week to complete these challenges, learning to manage our time and increase our independence.

We are also starting to share our independent learning in discovery through our very own discovery diaries, taking pride in the wonderful learning we complete during discovery. Our maths and writing is done in small groups and we have guided reading groups, where we read to an adult. We have whole class phonics and learn together sessions and we also have two P.E. sessions a week and music on Fridays.

Find out more about our learning on our Google Drive folder. Here you will find useful information, resources, weekly updates on what we are currently learning and our termly learning overviews.

To access the folder, click on the link below:

Year 2 on Google Drive