Pre School

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Welcome to Turtle Class!

Our Class Teacher is Beth. Our Learning Support Assistant who helps us is Claire

In our pre-school we aim to provide a high-quality learning environment, where children are given the opportunity to learn at their own pace and follow their own interests. We encourage independence and allow the children to grow in self-confidence and develop at their own rate through challenging and engaging play.

You can find more information on our current learning, by logging onto your Tapestry account to view your child’s online learning diary.

Find out more about our learning on our Google Drive folder. Here you will find useful information, resources, weekly updates on what we are currently learning and our termly learning overviews.

To access the folder, click on the link below:

Pre-School Learning on Google Drive 

How-To Guide iOS

Tapestry How-To Guide Android

Please check back soon to see our Termly newsletters.