PE & Sports Premium

Article 31: Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

Our vision for P.E at Somerdale Educate Together is for all children to experience outstanding P.E lessons and school sport that will lead to lifelong participation. With our commitment to the Trust mission, ‘Learn together to Live Together, we have developed a PE scheme of Work that enables children to develop core physical and movement skills in every P.E lesson as well as building collaboration and competition through structured competitive activities. The Curriculum offer alongside the Sports Premium Funding enables us to make sure that all children engage in physical activity that develops their health and wellbeing.

Our principal aim is to make P.E enjoyable and inclusive for all. A high-quality PE curriculum and extracurricular sport activities inspires all our pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sports and become physically confident in ways that support health and fitness. The opportunities to experience a wide range of sports, as well as swimming lessons for some year groups builds character and embed the school values that we are passionate about such as: Friendship, Perseverance, Unity and Respect.

With the additional Sports Premium Funding we receive, we have used this to inspire our children to excel through the use of skilled PE coaches working alongside our teachers to deliver expert coaching in gymnastics, cricket, football and basketball and through extracurricular sports clubs. Developing our children’s physical fitness and wellbeing through play is also a key aim for our use of Sports Premium Funding.


What is PE and Sport Premium?

In order to improve Physical Education in primary schools, the government is providing an additional grant for each school. This funding is jointly provided by Departments of Education, Health and Culture and Media and Sport and is given directly to schools where the Headteacher has the freedom to allocate money to improve the quality of sports and PE for all children in their school.

Sports Premium Report 2022/2023

Sports Premium Report 2023/2024